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Nickname DailyEsports
País US
Nacimiento en Buho2125/10/2016 22:42
Última Fecha de conexión Trivia
Última Fecha de conexión Ajedrez
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Estadísticas Ajedrez
Mejor rating1700
Victorias 0
Derrotas 0
Tablas 0
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Estadísticas Trivia
Mejor rating25.0
Preguntas contestadas0
Preguntas acertadas0
Preguntas no acertadas0

BienvenidaAre you an experienced Graphics Designer? Do you want your work to be featured in our Daily eSports website and social media pages, as long as having the chance of building a career inside the eSports world? Send me a message!
Sobre mí mismoAre you an experienced Graphics Designer? Do you want your work to be featured in our Daily eSports website and social media pages, as long as having the chance of building a career inside the eSports world? Send me a message!
Web favoritahttps://www.facebook.com/dailyesportstv/


1 medalla Evento Halloween - Participación

Medalla que se otorgara a los participantes del Evento Halloween. Felicidades a los ganadores!!!!
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