Buho21.com      Perfil      ryuken83


Nickname ryuken83
País DO
Nacimiento en Buho2101/01/2009 00:00
Última Fecha de conexión Trivia02/01/2009 05:18
Última Fecha de conexión Ajedrez23/11/2011 03:08
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Estadísticas Ajedrez
Mejor rating1911
Victorias 3391
Derrotas 3514
Tablas 221
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Estadísticas Trivia
Mejor rating160.0
Preguntas contestadas9
Preguntas acertadas3
Preguntas no acertadas6

Bienvenidahi, my name is Richard and I like to play a lot of chess and I wish to make much friends and I wanna learn more about how to play chess. thank for visiting me.
Sobre mí mismoin spite of the fact that I dont like to speak of me.I am a simple person and I am not even good speaking with other person,I merely hope to make a lot of friends and to play chess with them. I like to play drum too. the music is the second thing that I like to do.
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