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ProblemasProblemas de Estrategia. Aperturas Abiertas y Semiabiertas
PVP:18,90 €
Buho21:17,95 €
VIP:17,01 €
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GrandMasterGrandMaster Preparation. Positional Play
PVP:29,99 €
Buho21:28,49 €
VIP:26,99 €
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ChessChess Tactics From Scratch. Understanding Chess Tactics 2nd Edition
PVP:24,00 €
Buho21:22,80 €
VIP:21,60 €
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PowerPower Play 2: Attacking the King (DVD en inglés)
PVP:30,00 €
Buho21:28,50 €
VIP:27,00 €
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PocketFritzPocketFritz 4.0
PVP:49,90 €
Buho21:47,91 €
VIP:44,91 €
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HowHow Magnus Carlsen Became the Youngest Chess Grandmaster in the World. The Story and the Games
PVP:19,95 €
Buho21:18,95 €
VIP:17,95 €
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HowHow to Play the Najdorf Mr. Kasparov Vol. 3 (DVD en inglés)
PVP:39,99 €
Buho21:37,99 €
VIP:35,99 €
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Queen'sQueen's Pawn Openings (DVD en inglés)
PVP:26,99 €
Buho21:25,64 €
VIP:24,29 €
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LeccionesLecciones de Estrategia en Ajedrez
PVP:19,50 €
Buho21:18,53 €
VIP:17,55 €
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AjedrezAjedrez de los Grandes Maestros Jugada a Jugada
PVP:22,50 €
Buho21:21,38 €
VIP:20,25 €
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Precio PVP total:281,72 €
Precio Buho21 total:268,14 €
Precio VIP total:253,54 €

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